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Evolve Web Conversation: Rabbis During Wartime

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 2:00 pm EDT
Webinar poster: Rabbis During Wartime with Rabbi Michael Rothbaum, April 17, 2 p.m. EDT on Zoom.

Rabbi Michael Rothbaum will discuss his Evolve essay “Rabbis During Wartime.” Rothbaum explains how, in providing venues for both consolation of suffering and the arousal of activism, rabbis lead our synagogues towards becoming communities of deep meaning.

There is no charge required to register for an Evolve web conversation. Participants can interact with the speaker, making comments and asking questions. 

About Rabbi Michael Rothbaum

Rabbi Michael Rothbaum (he/him) is the rabbi of Reconstructionist Congregation Bet Haverim in Atlanta. Previously, Rabbi Mike worked in Jewish communities in New York, the Bay Area and the Boston area for more than 25 years as youth director, rabbi/educator and pulpit rabbi, as well as serving as co-chair of the Bay Area Regional Council of Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice. Rabbi Mike has spoken and taught widely, addressing groups as varied as Moishe House, Jewish Community Relations Council and “Nuns on the Bus.” He has appeared in front of audiences at the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives; Oakland City Council; and the New York State Democratic Party. In 2012, he joined a rabbinic delegation to Ghana, sponsored by American Jewish World Service and was named a Global Justice Fellow by AJWS in 2018. His writing has been featured in The ForwardTikkunSojourners, Alma, Haaretz and the anthology, Peace, Justice, and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition. Rabbi Mike’s religious-based activism has been covered in several media outlets, including CNN, WABC-TV and i24 News Israeli television. Devoted to creating and nurturing vibrant learning communities, teaching Torah that touches heart, mind and soul, and continuing the Jewish mission of pursuing justice that he discovered as a teenager, Rabbi Mike is a passionate advocate for the idea that every moment is an opportunity to make a Jewish choice. Rabbi Mike lives in the Summerhill section of Atlanta with his husband, internationally acclaimed Yiddish vocalist Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell, who kindly tolerates his passion for fair-trade coffee, Bob Dylan and manual transmission.  

About Evolve
Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations is an initiative of Reconstructing Judaism. We seek to promote the ongoing evolution of the Jewish community by launching collective, communal conversations about the urgent issues of our day. To that end, Evolve brings multiple voices together to listen to one another’s point of view and to interact respectfully. In an era when it has become ever more difficult to remain open to viewpoints that differ from our own, Evolve cultivates covenantal conversations even when we disagree. In this way, we hope to enhance the ongoing evolution of Jewish civilization.

Learn more on our Evolve website.

Evolve does not endorse every viewpoint presented on its platform. Its goal is to cultivate groundbreaking, constructive, respectful conversations about urgent issues of concern. Evolve makes space for a wide range of viewpoints and seeks to support constructive debate while abiding by the values of tzelem Elohim (regarding and treating all people as created in the divine image), kavod (respect), redifat shalom (pursuing peace) and makhloket leshem shamayim (disagreements for the sake of heaven).

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network