Over the last 60 years, Reconstructing Judaism has become a movement of leaders and congregations who incorporate inclusive, justice-rooted values into thriving, diverse Jewish communities. More than 350 Reconstructionist rabbis serve nearly 100 congregations encompassing more than 16,000 households as well as tens of thousands of people in hospitals, senior centers, on college campuses, and in new opportunities for service. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Jewish seekers use our resources online.
There are nearly 100 Reconstructionist congregations around the world. In the coming years we will nourish local communities by helping them connect with one another, and support emerging communities that strive to be intentional, inclusive, and justice-seeking, drawing upon a Reconstructionist approach.
For years, our Ritualwell and Evolve communities have fostered spiritual and intellectual nourishment for Jews and fellow seekers. Since 2020 these sites have been discovered by hundreds of thousands of new users, and in the years ahead we’ll provide deeper and better ways for individuals to connect, find community, and co-create joyful Jewish lives.
Rabbis change lives, and that changes the world. Since 1968 we’ve trained hundreds of innovative rabbis, educators, and Jewish leaders. In the years ahead we’ll strive to make training more accessible to people of all backgrounds, cultivating a rabbinate that reflects the rich diversity of our community and promise of a bright future.
In June 2021 we made 34 specific anti-racist commitments in our work and beyond. Since then we have increased support for BIPOC rabbinical students, recruited more BIPOC members of our staff, board, and faculty, began supporting congregations with antiracist trainings and education, partnered with multifaith, multiracial coalitions working to fight intersectional oppression and more. In the years ahead we will continue to be part of the fight for racial justice in national politics, shift conversations within the American Jewish community, and make our communities more safe and inclusive for everyone.
Want to learn more about what the Momentum Campaign is setting out to create? Join us for a special conversation on June 23 about our work in the next five years and how you can be part of it.
Contact us anytime to discuss a tailored suite of giving opportunities:
(267) 627-5379 or momentum@reconstructingjudaism.org.