Rabbi Vivie Mayer, who lives in Israel, will discuss her Evolve essay, “The Light That Has the Capacity to Hold Us All,” in which she describes the way that she has held her grief over all the lives that have been lost since October 7, 2023.
There is no charge required to register for an Evolve web conversation. Participants can interact with the speaker, making comments and asking questions.
About Rabbi Vive Mayer
Vivie Mayer is currently in the process of moving to Israel after a satisfying career teaching at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, where she served as the director of the Mekhinah Program and the Beit Midrash for more than 16 years. Vivie is a 1996 graduate of RRC. She is an alumna of Rabbi Shefa Gold’s Kol Zimra Chanting Leadership Training. She also teaches for the Aleph Ordination Program. One of Vivie’s particular interests is studying Mishnah, appreciating its structure and wisdom. She also writes Jewish songs and music.
About Evolve
Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations is an initiative of Reconstructing Judaism. We seek to promote the ongoing evolution of the Jewish community by launching collective, communal conversations about the urgent issues of our day. To that end, Evolve brings multiple voices together to listen to one another’s point of view and to interact respectfully. In an era when it has become ever more difficult to remain open to viewpoints that differ from our own, Evolve cultivates covenantal conversations even when we disagree. In this way, we hope to enhance the ongoing evolution of Jewish civilization.
Learn more on our Evolve website.
Evolve does not endorse every viewpoint presented on its platform. Its goal is to cultivate groundbreaking, constructive, respectful conversations about urgent issues of concern. Evolve makes space for a wide range of viewpoints and seeks to support constructive debate while abiding by the values of tzelem Elohim (regarding and treating all people as created in the divine image), kavod (respect), redifat shalom (pursuing peace) and makhloket leshem shamayim (disagreements for the sake of heaven).