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Home » Evolve Web Conversation: God is Here
God is Here: Reimagining the Divine

Rabbi Toba Spitzer will discuss her just-published book, God Is Here: Reimagining the Divine, with Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer and Rabbi Jacob Staub on Thursday, June 23 at 1 p.m. EDT. Fuchs Kreimer’s review essay of the book recently appeared on Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations.

Going back to the earliest sources for Judaism as well as Christianity, Spitzer discovers in the Hebrew Bible a rich and varied palette of metaphors for the divine―including Water, Voice, Fire, Rock, Cloud, and even the process of Becoming. She addresses how we can access these ancient metaphors, as well as those drawn from rabbinic tradition and modern science, to experience holiness in our daily lives and to guide us in challenging times.

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