We share with you now an important effort across the Jewish community that the institutions of the Reconstructionist movement have signed onto. Below please find a link to a petition to the elected leadership of our country to take steps to stop the spread of fascism. Please share this petition with the members of your community. We are always proud to be the “voice” of Reconstructionist Judaism at leadership tables. At this time, we are asking you to help us to amplify our voice through the signatures of our members.
Please click here to sign the petition, and share this link widely: http://bit.ly/2xbGh5A
This petition emerges out of last weekend’s disturbing events in Charlottesville, as well as the response to them. Rabbi Jake Rubin (RRC ‘09) has been a steadfast leader in Charlottesville throughout this difficult summer as the executive director of the University of Virginia Hillel. Rabbis Mordechai Liebling (RRC ‘85) and Malkah Binah Klein (RRC ‘04) represented the Reconstructionist movement as part of a rabbinic contingent organized by T’ruah: The Rabbinic for Human Rights and that joined with the interfaith clergy caucus. You can read their reflections here:
* http://forward.com/scribe/379853/fighting-what-the-nazis-fear/
* https://www.thrivingspirit.org/blog-1/2017/8/14/witness-from-charlottesville
Both the RRC/JRC and the RRA have issued statements condemning the events of last weekend and calling for a rejection of these abhorrent ideologies at the highest levels of our political system. Please feel free to share these statements as well. They can be found here:
* The RRA’s statement: http://therra.org/
* RRC/JRC Statement: https://jewishrecon.org/news/charlottesville-response
We will continue to seek out opportunities to share the Reconstructionist perspective in North American conversations and to create ways for our members and communities to amplify your impact.
Wishing you all Shabbat shalom.
David Roberts
Chair, Board of Governors
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D.
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities
Rabbi Seth Goldstein
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
Rabbi Elyse Wechterman
Executive Director
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association