Last week, amidst the tragic loss of life and widespread devastation from the ongoing wildfires in Northern California, we learned the heartbreaking news that much of URJ Camp Newman was destroyed by the fires. Together with the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College/Jewish Reconstructionist Communities and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, all of us at Camp Havaya and Havaya Arts send our love and support as the community now works to rebuild. We know that the core of any good camp is not about the place but about the people, and there is no question that our friends in Santa Rosa are #NewmanStrong.
We are proud to be part of their extended family as, together, we strive to build meaningful Jewish communities and experiences. The Psalmist wrote: “those who sow in tears will reap in joy.” We look forward to the time when, with tears of joy, we can celebrate Camp Newman’s return to health and strength.