Keddem Congregation is a community-led, Reconstructionist Jewish congregation dedicated to discovering, developing and celebrating godliness in ourselves and each other. We practice an evolving Judaism that infuses tradition with new meaning and is responsive to contemporary life.
Keddem was founded in Palo Alto in March 1993. We are a spirited community, spiritual and intellectual, enjoying both prayer and study. It’s critical at Keddem that we not have to check our intellect at the door when praying, nor have to check our spirituality at the door when studying.
We have monthly Shabbat morning services and monthly Torah study in private homes. For the High Holy Days we rent space in the community and invite everyone to come worship with us at no cost.
Keddem Congregation is:
- Inclusive: Everyone who supports our vision and mission is welcome at Keddem Congregation, regardless of background, family, lifestyle or Jewish education. The congregation is committed to democratic process in making major decisions. We respect each others’ beliefs, practices and perspectives and realize that there are a wide diversity of ways to belong.
- Egalitarian: At Keddem Congregation, all are equally welcome to participate in what we do, regardless of background, race, gender, gender preference, income, Jewish education, lifestyle or birth religion. We welcome interfaith couples to join and to participate in Keddem’s community life.
- Participatory: Involvement builds community. All Keddem Congregation members are encouraged to participate in activities ranging from services and tikkun olam (social action) activities, to governance and social events.
- Inquiring: An attitude of inquiry frames learning at Keddem Congregation. Keddem promotes Torah-based continuous learning through studying and questioning the evolution of the Jewish community, writings, and practice. Members value diverse opinions and benefit from each other’s knowledge and experiences.
- Innovative: Just as Mordecai Kaplan recognized that Judaism is an evolving religious civilization, so does Keddem Congregation seek to be continuously evolving. It is through innovation that we carve a path of Judaism, rooted in tradition and peoplehood, yet relevant for the present. We welcome and encourage new, creative ideas.
- Compassionate: Just as we seek to recognize the godliness in every other human being, so we at Keddem Congregation respond to each other with the kindness, compassion, respect, patience and humility that this recognition deserves.