References to blood appear at least sixty-five times in the Torah, and more, depending on how you do the counting and excluding references to menses.
Ellen Dannin, a thought leader on labor and privitization, has taught and written primarily about American and New Zealand labor and employment law. She also writes about privatization of government services and public infrastructure. Her most recent law school position was as the Fannie Weiss Distinguished Faculty Scholar and professor of law at Penn State Dickinson School of Law. She is a former member of the Ann Arbor Havurah, Dor Hadash in San Diego, and Congregation T’chiyah in Detroit.
References to blood appear at least sixty-five times in the Torah, and more, depending on how you do the counting and excluding references to menses.
Maybe the Torah is really Tamar’s story. Seen from that perspective, Judah’s interlude with Tamar is not an annoying interruption placed between Joseph’s sale into
Flowing through Bereyshit/Genesis are the themes of blindness, deception, and identity. Last week, in Parashat Vayetzey, Jacob’s very identity was shaken and remade at Bet
In Toldot, we come at last to Isaac’s story. And this year, as most years, we read it as we enter late autumn: a transitional
If ever there were a person for whom Psalm 145 — the Ashrei — was written, it is Avraham. Ashrei begins: “Happy are they who
There is so much wonderful meat for discussion in the Joseph story that it is easy to skip or skim the story of Judah and
When Adar comes in, our happiness is increased. But when Vayikra comes in, we feel as if the Promised Land of great stories and heroes
I used to have interesting conversations with a friend who had studied for the Catholic priesthood in his youth. We talked about questions of ethics
Just weeks after the dramatic exodus from Egypt/Mitzraim, we find ourselves in the midst of a fashioning of luxurious garments to dress the High Priest,