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Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben

Rabbi Emeritus, Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, California

Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, Ph.D., is Rabbi Emeritus of Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, California. A past president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California, Steven has served on the boards of many non-profit organizations, including Chrysalis, Global Children’s Organization, I Have a Dream Foundation, and The Center for the Improvement of Child Caring. He is the recipient of numerous community awards, including the Micah Award for founding the largest full-service homeless shelter in Los Angeles. A nationally recognized expert in the field of moral education, he has written numerous books on the topic, as well as on interfaith family issues. His latest book is A Year With Mordecai Kaplan: Wisdom on the Weekly Torah Portion. Steven’s earned degrees include two bachelor’s degrees, in philosophy and political science, from the University of California, Davis; a master’s degree in education from the University of Southern California; and a Ph.D. in religion from Sierra University. He was ordained in 1976 by the Hebrew Union College.

Life, Death and Holiness

This piece was written in 2002, during the second Intifidah. While the circumstances in question have changed, the teaching that emerged from them remains relevant

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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network