Led by Rabbi Micah Geurin Weiss
Starting on October 27, 2020 and ending on September 28, 2021 the group will meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 2-3 PM ET (Full list of meeting dates and times will be provided upon registration)
All sessions will be recorded and available to participants. You may join the session live or watch recordings at your own convenience.
Kiddushin 40b, the question is asked, Which is greater, study or action? Rabbi Tarfon thinks action is greater, Rabbi Akiva things study is greater, but the majority think study is initially greater because it leads to action. In this unprecedented national reckoning with racial injustice and the magnificent surge of the Black Lives Matter movement, there is a lot of study and a lot of action that white folks can undertake to propel this movement forward. This learning network is for folks who benefit from white privilege that wish to deepen their understanding of racism in the service of their tikkun olam work for racial justice. This will be a year-long learning network and participants are asked to make a good-faith effort to commit to the entire year at the outset. There’s no need to wait a year to get involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, but we hope our collective study will help each of us sustain and deepen our commitment to this work together.
Rabbi Micah Geurin Weiss is the Assistant Director for Thriving Communities and Tikkun Olam Specialist at Reconstructing Judaism. In his professional role, Micah works to support the day in and day out needs of synagogues in the Reconstructionist movement, specializing in congregation-based social justice work. He is most passionate about supporting racial justice work in the Jewish community and beyond. Micah holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University in Religious Studies and African American studies and was a fellow at Yeshivat Hadar for two years. He is a trained spiritual director, and spends much of his free time in Jewish community in his neighborhood of West Philly.