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2017 Ignition Grant Recipients

  • October 2, 2017
sandra lawson

Sandra Lawson

Jews may look at the Torah and ask themselves, “what does this mean for me in today’s world?” “Minutes of Torah,” a short-form podcast developed by Sandra, offers wisdom and commentary on weekly Torah portions. “Minutes of Torah” makes Torah easy, accessible, and relevant to 21st century Judaism. Listen to “Minutes of Torah” here! 

Contact at lawsonsj@gmail.com or visit her website

Emily COhen

Emily Cohen

“Jew Too? – Tales of the Mixed Multitude” is a new podcast sharing positive influences of dear ones from other faiths on Jewish family, love, and life. Created and produced by Emily, “Jew Too” celebrates the growing diversity of the American Jewish family. Listen to the podcast here and read about Emily’s work on My Jewish Learning.

Contact at e.cohen@gmail.com


Becca Richman

Becca’s Jewish Story Project highlights “folktales for the resistance,” compiling Jewish stories from around the world to offer inspiration and a sense of Jewish cultural history. Derived from oral history traditions, the project draws on the knowledge of folklorists and includes tales from around the globe.

Contact at becca.ilana@gmail.com



David Basior

Trying to connect young adults to Judaism after their b’nei mitzvot, Rabbi Basior created a Jewish youth group intended to develop interpersonal networks with other Jewish teens and enrich connection to Judaism. The intent of the project remains rooted in the development of a co-created community driven by the interests and passions of Jewish teens.  

Contact at rabbidavid@kadima.org



Micah Weiss

Exploring the viability of a home-based Jewish community alongside a neighborhood synagogue, Micah designed a shtiebel that would provide a heimish space of spiritual intimacy and depth of ritual life and Torah learning.

Contact at micahweiss@gmail.com





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