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Amidah for Peace, Justice and Immigration

This alternative Amidah was used during mincha prayers by members of the Reconstructionist Rabbinic Association outside of an Immigration Processing Center in order to call attention to the plight of immigrants and underscore the importance of the Jewish obligation to welcome the stranger. It is meant to be done as a call and response.


God of our ancestors. God of immigrants. God of refugees. We are border crossers.
We tie our fate with You who cannot be contained by customs offices. You who requires no passport


You are the power that nurtures, You support the fallen, You free the captive, You give faith to those who sleep in the dust.


We call out to each other, We turn in every direction, Your holy image is the face of every human


Help us to act with understanding


Return us again and again to your service


Forgive us for retreating to our own comfort, Forgive us for not taking responsibility, Forgive us for letting little fears Stop us from helping with compassion.


Release us from captivity, Release us from persecution, Release us from misfortune, Help us to heal when rational arguments are insufficient.


Heal the suffering that causes people to flee their homes.

Birkat Hashanim

All Bountiful one let every person live with abundance.

Kibutz Galuyot

Blast the great shofar for freedom
Gather in all those in exile!


Restore justice with love and compassion.

Birkat Haminim

Let all wickedness be lost.


Protect all the righteous people
fleeing war and
fleeing poverty.
Be with those seeking safety
and seeking security.

Binyan Yerushalayim

Build everlasting peace in Jerusalem.


Plant your help in every land.

Kabbalat Tefillah

Hear our voice!
Hear the voice of refugees
Hear the voice of immigrants
Help us hear your voice


Take pleasure YHVH in our work.
Lovingly accept our prayer.


Modim anachnu lach
We give thanks to you

Birkat Shalom

Sing Oseh Shalom

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