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Resources for Respectful Dialogue on Israel

From the Reconstructionist Movement

Rabbi Toba Spitzer, RRC ’97: “A Guide to Talking about Israel in Your Congregation”

PEARL call with Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, RRC ’85, and Cherie Brown, founder and executive director of the National Coalition Building Institute: “Having the Hard Conversations about Israel” http://archive.jewishrecon.org/pearl-sessions-2013

Rabbi David A. Teutsch: A Guide to Jewish Practice: The Ethics of Speech, The Reconstructionist Press https://www.readandrite.com/a-guide-to-jewish-practice-ethics-of-speech/

Tikkun Olam Resources Inside Israel, compiled by Rabbi Amy Klein, RRC ’96 http://archive.jewishrecon.org/resource/tikkun-olam-resources-israel

Resources From Beyond the Reconstructionist Movement

JCPA Civility Statement http://engage.jewishpublicaffairs.org/c/627/p/salsa/web/common/public/content?content_item_KEY=10440

The Jewish Dialogue Group http://www.jewishdialogue.org/

Blog and Resources for Educators and Parents https://ejewishphilanthropy.com/israel-not-a-time-for-zealotry-or-shyness-with-children/

Makom Educator Materials: https://makomisrael.org/current-affairs/the-gaza-conflict/

Encounter Communications Guidelines https://www.encounterprograms.org/resources/communications-guidelines

The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

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The Reconstructionist Network