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The links below lead to groups and organizations created by, for, and centering the voices of people with disabilities. Some are educational in nature, while others offer opportunities for Jews with disabilities and their loved ones to connect to others around the world. Whether you’re looking for news or a chance to schmooze, we hope you can find it here!

Colorful ropes crisscross against a light gray background, creating a network of intersecting lines.

Jewish Disability Inclusion News
Jewish Disability Inclusion News (JDIN) is a forum for diverse voices at the intersection of disability inclusion and Jewish life. You can subscribe to receive weekly emails with first-person essays, reported articles, divrei torah, lesson plans, and other slices of inclusive Jewish life delivered right to your inbox. 

Jewish Autism Network 
“A global shtetl” founded by an observantly Jewish, Brooklyn-based family, the Jewish Autism Network is a hub for connection, education, and advocacy for autistic individuals and their loved ones. Participants can submit neurodivergent torah, read articles, find education material and media, or socialize with the Global Autistic Jewish Schmooze network. 

Institute on Theology and Disability 
Each summer, the Institute on Theology and Disability convenes a four-day conference committed to “authentic interfaith conversation at the intersection of theology and disability.” Explore how disability impacts the many dimensions of religious life with a diverse and dedicated group of scholars, advocates, and leaders from multiple faith traditions. The summer 2024 Institute will be offered as a hybrid event hosted at Boston

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network