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Home » Network: Enriching Interfaith Conversations (2016-17)

Network: Enriching Interfaith Conversations (2016-17)

How can we foster enriching interfaith conversations that invite people to dare to understand?

Facilitated by Abby Stamelman Hocky, Executive Director at the Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia (ash@interfaithcenterpa.org) and Rev. Nicole Diroff, Associate Executive Director (ndd@interfaithcenterpa.org)

For congregational leaders, adult education coordinators, and seminarians/rabbinical students

Wednesdays 3:00 p.m.-4:15 p.m. EST - March 29, April 26, May 3 and May 17

Today’s global context is increasingly calling people to meet their religiously-diverse neighbors, break down stereotypes and explore challenging issues together. Based on the book Encountering Other Faiths, written by former Interfaith Center Director of Adult Education Sr. Maria Hornung, this series brings interfaith dialogue from the ivory tower into the pews. Participants will be equipped with resources and ideas, networked with fellow interfaith facilitators, and empowered with increased competence and confidence to facilitate meaningful interfaith programs for their congregation or community.

Session 1 will focus on modalities of interfaith engagement & best practices in interfaith programming.  Session 2 will address common questions in this area of work.  Session 3 will be an exploration of the role of the facilitator, including use of self as a primary tool.  Finally, during session 4 we will look together at a handful of scenarios and discuss potential responses to real-world, complex situations.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Interfaith Center of Greater Philadelphia

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