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Count the Omer with us

Between Passover and Shavuot comes a seven-week period known as the omer, in which we engage in the ritual counting of each of the 49 days. This year, the omer period began at sundown on Saturday, April 23, the second day of Passover.

For your omer practice, we present the nonverbal expressiveness of artist D’vorah Horn. Each year D’vorah creates an omer painting, built day after day. Each day’s panel reflects her sense of the spirit of that particular day. Her Omer 2014 painting has been installed in the RRC building this year. And on our Instagram and Facebook pages, we are featuring one omer panel each day, with its kavanah text and title. We hope you’ll join us, and that this will add to your meditative journey.


Painting of Omer calendar

Omer 2014, by D’vorah Horn

D’vorah has also supplied us with a prayer to follow along with as you count the omer with us:

The Intentional Practice of Counting the Omer
Hineni- Here I am Ready to count.
With gratitude for the mystery that fills all time and space, I call upon myself to focus today – the ____ day of the ____ week of the counting on the intention of _______.

I have been called to count, to focus today on ___________ may it have been a day of clearing the way for light and beauty, holiness and abundant bounty to flow into me and into all the world.
(Amen. Selah.)

If you would like to know more about the work and the project, click here.

If you want to find out more about D’vorah Horn and her work, you can visit her website.

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