Read: Wellsprings of Empathy
Rabbi Deborah Waxman explores the stories of Genesis, and highlights some more contemporary thinkers, in a search for sources of empathy and resilience in the extreme uncertainty of the present.
Rabbi Deborah Waxman explores the stories of Genesis, and highlights some more contemporary thinkers, in a search for sources of empathy and resilience in the extreme uncertainty of the present.
Revisit this 2021 essay from Rabbi Deborah Waxman in which addresses rising global antisemitism and articulates a response that reaffirms Jewish life, practice and community.
With antisemitism alarmingly on the rise, Rachel Forth Pipitone’s poem tackles a disturbing expression within her own family.
Invoking the story of Noah’s Ark, Rabbi Jen Gubitz’s poem captures a torrent of thoughts, emotions and concerns stemming from the Israel-Hamas War.
At Ritualwell’s weekly “Holding Each Other” virtual event, Rabbi Alex Lazurus-Klein read two poems, one written during the Second Intifada and the other composed in the harrowing days following October 7.
In this powerful poem, Rabbi Annie Lewis invokes the ancient call for help, Hoshia Na, in the name of those killed, wounded and captured on October 7, Simchat Torah.
A computer scientist shares how the study of Talmud and Zohar informed his understanding of A.I. and how Jewish ethics can guide society’s response to rapidly evolving technology.
Rabbi Joshua Boettiger shares the links between a Jewish ethical tradition and creative expression and how together they can help us find a path in the darkness.
Feeling uprooted by recent events? Rabbi Jessica Lott’s audio teaching can help to ground you. She notes that Jewish tradition constantly places one foot in the past, one foot in the future.