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A stone well in a field at sunrise

Read: Wellsprings of Empathy

Rabbi Deborah Waxman explores the stories of Genesis, and highlights some more contemporary thinkers, in a search for sources of empathy and resilience in the extreme uncertainty of the present.

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Read: Beyond Antisemitism

Revisit this 2021 essay from Rabbi Deborah Waxman in which addresses rising global antisemitism and articulates a response that reaffirms Jewish life, practice and community.

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Close-up of someone holding an open book of poetry

Watch: Two Poems for Our Times

At Ritualwell’s weekly “Holding Each Other” virtual event, Rabbi Alex Lazurus-Klein read two poems, one written during the Second Intifada and the other composed in the harrowing days following October 7. 

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Gates of heaven opening

Watch: Hoshana

In this powerful poem, Rabbi Annie Lewis invokes the ancient call for help, Hoshia Na, in the name of those killed, wounded and captured on October 7, Simchat Torah.

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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network