Or Hadash is a progressive, engaging, vibrant and creative community that welcomes people of all backgrounds, including interfaith families, LGBTQ individuals, people of all races, ethnicities, disabilities and economic means. We strive to make Judaism meaningful through study, prayer, cultural, musical and other artistic expression.
Our intention is to establish a deep connection to one another, our Jewish heritage, Israel and the greater Jewish community, as well as our local communities and the world at large. Social action, acts of Tikkun Olam and Tzedakah are also important ways to engage at Or Hadash, as we seek to foster an environment of warmth, joy, peace, compassion and belonging.
We help people connect with their Judaism and the Jewish community through active participation and creative exploration. We want all people to know that they are completely welcome and that they can quickly become an integral part of our friendly, socially-conscious community.