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Tikkun Olam: Resources for Action

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Tikkun Olam: Resources for Action

Reconstructing Judaism encourages you to study the following list of resources and partner organizations. We recommend them as helpful, values-aligned, and impactful pathways to action for tikkun olam on some of the most pressing social and political issues of our day.

A famous Talmudic debate posits the question, “Which is greater than the other: talmud (study) or ma’aseh (action)?” Some rabbis initially say study, and some initially say action, but they all conclude with consensus that study is greater because it leads to action (Kiddushin 40b).

Many of these resources also appear on our Calendar Year of Tikkun olam, which is organized by Jewish, civic, and secular holidays and seasons.

Table of Contents


A collection of smooth, varying-sized gray stones with one distinct rusty red stone among them.

Beyond Antisemitism

Rabbi Deborah Waxman, president and CEO of Reconstructing Judaism, wrote “Beyond Antisemitism” in 2021 to “offer a frame for understanding this rise [of antisemitism] and a set of responses to it, and to spark constructive conversations and actions.” 

Highlighted word anti-Semitism in a dictionary, with a six-pointed star symbol nearby.

Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations on Antisemitism

Find out what other contemporary Jewish thinkers, including Reconstructionist rabbis and leaders, are saying about antisemitism on Evolve, our online platform for groundbreaking Jewish conversations. 

Collage of documents and resources related to antisemitism and Israel-related speech.

Antisemitism and Israel-related Speech

The Joint Israel Commission of the Reconstructionist Movement published Antisemitism and Israel-related Speech: A Guide for Reconstructionist Congregations to help people across the movement and beyond learn about competing definitions of antisemitism and how each of them addresses the intersection of antisemitism and Israel-related speech. 

Text on a peach background: Antisemitism x Democracy.

Messaging Guides on Antisemitism

Clear and impactful communication is one of the most important tools for fighting antisemitism. If we cannot explain to our friends and allies how our oppression works and how it is used to make us unsafe, we cannot expect them to effectively support us when antisemitism is on the rise. Our friends at JCPA, Bend the Arc, Uprise, and the Collaborative for Jewish Organizing have recently published new and updated messaging guides on antisemitism. Many of their suggestions are similar; some, importantly, are different. We recommend reading both guides to help you refine your own impactful messaging on antisemitism. 

  • Explore Dismantling Antisemitism, which hosts a guide and workshops offered by Bend the Arc, Uprise, and the Collaborative for Jewish Organizing, to learn some ways to talk about antisemitism like we believe we can end it together—so that we can. 

Democracy Defense

Text on gradient background: A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy.

A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy

Reconstructing Judaism is proud to partner with A More Perfect Union, which recruits for and supports Jewish institutions in the Jewish Partnership for Democracy, helping them make and realize meaningful, action-based commitments to American democracy locally and nationally. 

Text on a purple background: Democracy, Judaism, and the Vote: What You Need to Know.

Democracy, Judaism, and the Vote: What You Need to Know

The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association has published a resource titledDemocracy, Judaism, and the Vote: What You Need to Know,” which distills the most essential information about democracy and voting access for a Reconstructionist audience. Print versions of the booklet may be ordered for a small fee, while digital access is free of charge. 


Logo with three blue concentric circles and the text The Workers Circle in bold, sans-serif font.

The Workers Circle

The Workers Circle empowers small groups called Democracy Circles to strengthen American democracy with Jewish resources for direct action and reflection. 

  • Interested in starting a Democracy Circle in your community? View a recording of our March 26, 2024 Tzedek Circle call with The Workers Circle’s Noa Baron.


Close-up of diverse hands resting on a sheet of braille paper.

Disability and Accessibility

Take concrete steps towards making your  congregation and its meeting spaces more accessible to people of all abilities with the resources on our Disability and Accessibility page.  

Environment and Climate

Building with solar panels on the roof, pink flowering tree in the foreground, partly cloudy sky.

Adamah & The Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition (JCLC)

Adamah, the largest Jewish environmental organization in North America, provides immersive experiences in nature at their retreats and community hubs, Jewish environmental education, leadership development, and opportunities for climate action. 

  • The Jewish Climate Leadership Coalition (JCLC) is a network of Jewish community organizations who recognize their moral commitment to climate action by submitting and implementing climate action plans each year. Adamah provides structure, guidance, resources, and financial support to help JCLC organizations act on their plans. 
    • Reconstructing Judaism and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association are founding members of the JCLC. Read their JCLC Climate Action Plan for 2024. 

Logo with COEJL text, a blue and green globe within a green star as the O.

Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL)

For thirty years, the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life (COEJL) has partnered with, supported, and engaged in advocacy and dialogue with Jewish and interreligious institutions committed to eco-justice and stewardship. They offer congregational resources on a wide range of environmental topics and calendar holidays. 

Logo of Jewish Earth Alliance with Earth, clouds, and an orange ribbon on a blue background.

Jewish Earth Alliance

Jewish Earth Alliance is a grassroots network of communities working together to enable Jews to engage in the policy process at the federal level as citizens. They provide monthly policy briefings and targeted opportunities to advocate with Congress for the urgent action we need on climate change.  

  • Mirele Goldsmith talks about JEA and Jewish political action in our April 9th, 2024 Tzedek Circle call. Watch the recording here. 
People gathered with signs; DAYENU: A Jewish Call to Climate Action logo in the foreground.

Dayenu & Dayenu Circles

Say, “We have had enough!” to unchecked climate change with Dayenu, which is building a national movement by creating, empowering, and connecting Dayenu Circles, small, locally-meeting groups of American Jews confronting the climate crisis in communities and congregations. Dayenu offers these circles trainings, spiritual workshops, and a library of other resources to help sustain action for positive change. 


Low-angle view of the Statue of Libertys arm and torch against a cloudy sky, seen from the pedestal.

Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations on Immigration

Explore modern applications of Jewish ethics on immigration by reading articles by Reconstructionist rabbis, RRC faculty, and other thinkers of today on Evolve. 

HIAS logo on a blue background with the text: Welcome the stranger. Protect the refugee.


HIAS, originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, has helped immigrants and refugees find and integrate into new homes for over one hundred years. They now work both in the U.S. and abroad providing vital services to refugees, asylum seekers, and other forcibly displaced and stateless persons. 


Keshet & Thrive: The Jewish Coalition to Defend Trans and LGBQ+ Youth

Keshet is devoted to making LGBTQ Jews and their families feel welcome in Jewish life and to creating spaces that embrace and empower LGBTQ Jewish youth.  

Racial Justice

Colorful illustration of diverse women on a cosmic background with empowering messages and vibrant patterns.

Racial Justice

You can find an expansive list of resources for racial equity and justice in Jewish communities on our Racial Justice page.

Reproductive Freedom

Three people hold advocacy signs in front of the U.S. Capitol building on a sunny day.

National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW)

National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is the oldest Jewish feminist civil rights organization working for equity and justice for women, children, and families in the United States and Israel. One of their current priorities is expanding abortion access and other reproductive rights. 

  • The Jewish Abortion Access Coalition, launched by NCJW, brings together national Jewish organizations across denominations to advance a Jewish vision of reproductive health, rights, and justice. Their offerings include education and engagement opportunities like lobby days and Repro Shabbat. 

Workplace Safety

Stylized sre logo with an orange underline on a white background.

SRE Network

Reconstructing Judaism is a member of the SRE Network, which promotes safety, respect, and equity in Jewish workplaces and communal spaces through network building, resource sharing, and community investments. They power other workplace safety programs like Sacred Spaces with financial and technical assistance. 

Logo of Sacred Spaces with a colorful dome design above the text.

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces partners with Jewish institutions such as synagogues and community centers to prevent and respond to sexual abuse and other abuses of power. Their projects include the Keilim toolkit for creating workplace safety policies and procedures and the Aleinu: Safeguarding Our Children campaign, among others. 

Blue text Taamod with a red underline and overline.


Ta’amod equips institutions and individuals with frameworks for Jewish wisdom and accountability around safe, healthy workplaces through training, education, consultation and referrals. 

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network