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Rabbi Lily Solochek poses in front of a tree.

Rabbi Lily Solochek: Taking K-12 Reconstructionist Education to the Next Level

Rabbi Lily Solochek is a key part of a bold new endeavor and has been tasked with taking Reconstructionist education to the next level. They have been named director of Reconstructing Judaism’s new Wenger-Markowitz Family Education Initiative. Funded with a $1 million gift from Reconstructionist leaders Jonathan Markowitz and Ruth Wenger, the initiative will bolster K-12 educational offerings across the Reconstructionist movement.

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Ruth Wenger and Jonathan Markowitz pose for the camera

‘Stewards of the Movement’ Make Transformative Investment in Reconstructionist Education, Aim to Inspire Philanthropy

For many years, Ruth Wenger, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, shared her love of learning and passion for Judaism by teaching religious school at Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, in Evanston, Ill. One weekend, Wenger — a lawyer, philanthropist and Jewish communal leader who helps leads a weekly minyan at the congregation

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Teaching Resilience to Children

As more and more places of worship become vulnerable to hate crimes and gun violence and we increase security measures, young people are particularly traumatized. One congregation has created a mental health and resilience curriculum for its students. 

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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network