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Home » When Jewish Women Lead: Activating People & Possibilities through Turbulent Times
Banner for a virtual event, When Jewish Women Lead, with speakers photos and details on Rabbi Deborah Waxmans leadership.

Join Rabbi Deborah Waxman and fellow leaders Cheryl Cook, CEO of Avodah; Cindy Greenberg, CEO of Repair the World; and Ilana Aisen, CEO of JPro, on Wednesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. EDT | 6 p.m. CDT | 5 p.m. MDT | 4 p.m. PDT for this special one-hour virtual event, also featuring Seth L. Rosen, chair of Reconstructing Judaism’s board of governors, and Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Director of Racial Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.  

Your tax-deductible registration supports Reconstructing Judaism’s Momentum Campaign, powering Reconstructing Judaism’s impact and effectiveness for generations to come. 

If you would like to make a gift via check, wire, securities or donor advised fund, or have other questions, please contact Rachel Swartz Robinson at rrobinson@reconstructingjudaism.org.

This year, Reconstructing Judaism is honoring its leader, Rabbi Deborah Waxman, for her 10 trailblazing years as president and CEO. Deborah has met turbulent times with hope and resolve, projecting a vision of Judaism that inspires people to share wisdom, connect in community, prioritize inclusion, innovate for future generations and build resilience to surmount obstacles. Don’t miss your chance to honor her and experience a conversation with other pioneering female leaders about the lessons of the past decade, and the hopeful progress to come. As part of your registration, sign our virtual tribute wall.

The virtual event will be recorded and shared out to those who register.

When Jewish women lead...

Wisdom is activated 
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (RRC) was founded as an egalitarian institution and has, for over 50 years, educated rabbis who have touched countless lives across the world, sharing a forward-looking approach to Judaism rooted in tradition. 

Community is nurtured 
Reconstructing Judaism’s Thriving Communities department supports 94 affiliated congregations and havurot on three continents, offering a uniquely Reconstructionist conception of belonging.

Inclusion is centered 
Reconstructing Judaism is committed to expanding access to vibrant Jewish living while remaining rooted in tradition. We realize this goal through our programs in justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Innovation is cultivated 
Through online platforms like Ritualwell & Evolve and entrepreneurial training initiatives at RRC, Reconstructing Judaism inspires new conceptions of Jewish engagement and community. 

Resilience is strengthened 
Through our affiliated communities, digital platforms, rabbinic education and more, we pioneer ideas and programs to help people find hope in the face of challenge.

Inspiration is accelerated
Reconstructing Judaism serves as the flame keeper of the Reconstructionist approach, championing ideas, policies and advocacy in service of the evolving Jewish civilization for generations to come.

Picture of Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D.

Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D.

The first woman and openly LGBTQ person to head a Jewish congregational union and a Jewish seminary, Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D., became president and chief executive officer of Reconstructing Judaism in 2014. Since then, she has drawn on her training as a rabbi and historian to be the Reconstructionist movement’s leading voice in the public square.

Featured Speakers

Picture of Cheryl Cook

Cheryl Cook

Cheryl Cook (she/her) is CEO of Avodah, which develops lifelong social justice leaders whose work is informed by Jewish values and who inspire the Jewish community to work toward a more just and equitable world.

Picture of Cindy Greenberg

Cindy Greenberg

Cindy Greenberg (she/her) is the President and CEO of Repair the World, whose mission is to mobilize Jews and their communities to take action to pursue a just world, igniting a lifelong commitment to service.

Picture of Ilana Aisen

Ilana Aisen

Ilana Aisen (she/her) serves as CEO of JPro. JPro amplifies the ability of Jewish community professionals to contribute to the vitality of their communities, supports career growth, and serves as the central resource for professional development.

Picture of Seth Rosen

Seth Rosen

Seth L. Rosen (he/him) has been chair of Reconstructing Judaism's board of governors since 2017. A member of Bet Am Shalom in White Plains, NY, he is a retired partner at Debevoise & Plimpton.

Picture of Rabbi Sandra Lawson

Rabbi Sandra Lawson

Rabbi Sandra Lawson (she/her) Reconstructing Judaism’s inaugural director of racial justice, diversity and inclusion, works to help Reconstructing Judaism realize its deeply held aspiration of becoming an anti-racist organization, rabbinical seminary and movement.

Tribute Wall in Honor of Rabbi Deborah Waxman

Inspiration Level

When I first joined the board of what is now Reconstructing Judaism, about 12 years ago, I promised that I would serve for two years and no more. Then I became inspired by Deborah’s leadership and her vision for the future of our movement, and I have now spent nearly a decade partnering with her to help bring her vision to life. Deborah’s view of our future is grounded in resilience, deeply rooted in principle and fueled by a fundamental optimism. I have served with Deborah through crises that none of us imagined, and any number of other challenges. Ultimately, her vision that we can and will shape a vital, inclusive and inspiring future for progressive Judaism in North America has endured, and through her leadership we have persevered and made progress – and we will continue to persevere and progress -- in our pursuit of that vision.

Deborah, Joan and I are so grateful for the blessing of your friendship and your wisdom and for the opportunity to share this journey with you.

Dearest Deborah, Sending you our heartiest mazal tov on this ten-year milestone! We're so honored to have been on this journey with you and the varied RJ communities thriving under the RJ umbrella. With love and deep appreciation,

Resilience Level

The passion that Rabbi Deborah Waxman brings to the Reconstructionist Movement is reflected in the growing strength and amazing progress that has taken place in the Movement over the last 10 years. More than just being an eloquent spokesperson, Deborah has most importantly led efforts to translate her vision into very real benefits for the Jews in the pews at all affiliated Reconstructionist congregations. We are blessed to have her extraordinary leadership, impressive sense of purpose, and remarkable energy. Mazel tov, Deborah!

Congratulations Deborah on ten years of outstanding leadership with the College and with Reconstructing Judaism. You have brought wisdom, creativity and joy to the Movement. And your openness welcomes us all. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to this sacred work.

Thank you for enhancing the world of Reconstructing Judaism.

Innovation Level

Thank you, Rabbi Deborah Waxman, for 10 years of extraordinary leadership of the Reconstructionist movement!

It's been a delight to watch you mature and lead these past ten years.

Deborah is one of the most creative, courageous, passionate Jewish leaders of our time and has raised the profile of Reconstructionism in the world and provided a role model of inspiration and the power of spiritual practice within community to play a transformative role in bringing meaning and purpose into our lives every day.

Congratulations, Deborah, on a decade of dynamic leadership filled with many meaningful achievements. May you continue navigating Reconstructing Judaism through future challenges and opportunities adroitly and with your signature empathy.

Deborah, it has been such a pleasure to watch your decade as leader of our movement.

Take pride in your achievements and consider new paths to explore. Bravo!

Barbara Dolgin
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, NY

Daniel Resnick
Dor Hadash, PA

Beth & Ira Nash
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Rabbi Jeffrey Eisenstat
Ahavath Sholom, MA

Thank you, Rabbi Deborah, for imagining us and for helping us to create a common language! Thank you for doing both the everyday tedious work of guiding institutions and movements, and the courageous, creative and complex work of reimagining the world as it could be. Thank you for being visible in ways that are new and daring on the one hand, and for having a deep love for tradition and history on the other. Thank you for modeling a leadership that honors care of our bodies, our spirits, our intellects, our families, and our friendships. With so much love and respect,

So happy to honor Rabbi Deborah! She came to us (Myrna and Don Sigman) in about 1996 +/- as our Student Rabbi to our congregation in Vail, CO. We had been early members of Reconstructionist Synagogue in Manhasset, NY. We had moved to the Vail Valley in 1994 and immediately became active in B'nai Vail Congregation. Myrna passed away a couple of years ago, but Rabbi Deborah has been and continues to be a very special person personally as has the Reconstructionist movement. With Love and Respect,

Inclusion Level

I was on the Board when Deborah was chosen to head Reconstructing Judaism. I thought she was a superb choice then, and during these past ten years she has only grown stronger, wiser, more savvy and visionary. That, combined with her tough and compassionate leadership makes her one of America's premier leaders, regardless of gender.

We love you, Rabbi Deborah!

Using her skills as a leader with vision, passion and resilience, Deborah has raised the profile and recognition of Reconstructionism as an important and innovative part of American Judaism. Her deep scholarly credentials, combined with her warm, empathy and willingness to work with others has put her and the movement in the forefront of dealing with our increasingly complex world.

On a personal note, I cherish our deep friendship.

Rabbi Waxman has been a champion for the cause of promoting Reconstructing Judaism. I share in her vision of the elements of the movement that are most meaningful to me. I congratulate Rabbi Waxman for her successful tenure of leadership of our RJ movement, and look forward to hopefully many more years to come!

Deborah, mazel tov on your accomplishment! Your wisdom, friendship, and insights have shaped our Jewish world within and outside of our movements. And thank you for your partnership on this extraordinary journey. May you go from strength to strength.

Deborah, congratulations on the many achievements you have led and inspired over the past ten years. You have put the Reconstructionist movement on the map and enabled us, once again, to prod the wider Jewish community into greater integrity and joyful inclusion. With appreciation for your tremendous energy and dedication,

Eric Rosenbaum

David & Robin Sigman
Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore, NY

Deborah, you are leader, a visionary and a friend. It is an honor to know you and work with you. Mazal Tov on this milestone. May you go from strength to strength.

Community Level

It is a tremendous honor and pleasure to work with Deborah and learn from her wisdom and her leadership. Mazal tov on reaching this milestone moment!

Dear Deborah, I am honored to join in the celebration of your 10 years. I love the people joining you and tribute as well and that’s a testimony to you. I have watched as a leader and a learner and I’m so grateful for all the time we have spent together. You are forever a person that I am grateful to know, proud to call a colleague and friend and wisdom I will always cherish.

Congratulations on this milestone.

Deborah, we are blessed to have even a small share, much less the heaping portion we enjoy, of your leadership, wisdom and friendship.

We are grateful for and inspired by your leadership. Mazel tov on a decade of wonderful service.

Your family is so very proud of you.

What a wonderful role model, inspiration, and person. Thank you Rabbi Waxman!

Rabbi Deborah's thoughtfulness, intelligence, steadfastness and equanimity have always provided such great support to me. Her wisdom shines bright and envelopes all.

Congratulations and thank you for your leadership and dedication to the ideals and institutions of Reconstructing Judaism. We respect and honor you.

Marilyn and Judy congratulate Deb Waxman on her tireless leadership, dedication, wisdom, grace, knowledge and outstanding example of integrity under pressures galore. Rabbi Waxman is a shining star. We love and appreciate her leadership and the example she sets for Jews around the world.

With so much gratitude, I am delighted to celebrate, support and honor your minyan of years of your service, leadership and vision for all who are committed to Reconstructing Judaism. Especially in the times we are living, you have kept your heart open to the demands, opportunities and tectonic changes in Jewish and global life, with grace, commitment and flexibility. Here's to the years ahead- we'll stay strong together!

May you go from strength to strength!

With deep gratitude for your inspiring leadership, your uplifting partnership, and your sustaining friendship. You have helped make the load lighter and the journey less lonely. May you continue to go from strength to strength. With admiration and appreciation.

Mazel tov on ten years of extraordinary leadership for Reconstructing Judaism and for Jewish women everywhere.

We are so fortunate to have been led by Deborah these past 10 years.

Deborah is one of the most capable and impactful leaders in the Jewish world. She is a true blessing!

Deborah is a rabbi's rabbi and I am so grateful for her leadership. Mazal tov!

Thank you, Deborah, for the ways you lead Reconstructing Judaism to expand Judaism for the future. Mazel tov!

Chizki v'Imtzi. May you be blessed with continued strength and wisdom as you lead Reconstructing Judaism for the next decade,

We congratulate you on this milestone and believe in the work you are doing. No time in recent memory has called for as much enlightened and wise leadership as the present moment and we wish you strength and health. B'Hatzlacha!

Deborah's stewardship of the RRC and of the larger movement has been exemplary. Many have seen her effectiveness as a leader from the inside. But I have also been amazed at her commitment to be present and involved in a wide array of national Jewish communal events and organizations. We are so fortunate to have her as the face and voice of Reconstructing Judaism.

Mazal tov on marking 10 years at the helm! You lead with intelligence, wisdom, imagination, and grace—and I treasure your trusted collegiality and warm friendship. Wishing you many more years of inspired service. With gratitude and admiration,

An inspirational leader; a spiritual trailblazer; a passionate teacher; a thoughtful strategist; a soul sister/friend. Mazel tov, Deborah!

Congratulations, Deborah! It has been a pleasure to see your growth and fine work on behalf of RRC and Reconstructing Judaism over these many years.

With gratitude for your guidance, leadership, and care over the last 10 years ... and the 10+ years before that, too. Kol hakavod!

Congratulations, Deborah! It has been a pleasure to see your growth and fine work on behalf of RRC and Reconstructing Judaism over these many years.

Rab Deborah, Congrats of an amazing 10 years. May you go from strength to strength

Ten years has flown by under your wonderful leadership. May you go forward for the next 10 years and accomplish even more!

On behalf of its board and leadership, The Mordecai Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood applauds Rabbi Deborah Waxman's leadership role in Reconstructing Judaism these past ten years. As a sister institution, the Kaplan Center looks forward to collaborative efforts in our common cause of demonstrating the 21st-century relevance of Mordecai Kaplan's ideas and projects. May both Deborah and Reconstructing Judaism keep moving may-hayil l'hayil, from strength to strength in the coming years.

Mazel tov to Rabbi Deborah Waxman on 10 years of leadership for the movement! Proud to serve at Reconstructing Judaism's birthplace of SAJ! Thank you for building on Kaplan's vision for the revitalization of American Jewry. Rabbi Deborah is leading us well! Mazel Tov!

Reconstructing Judaism is so fortunate to have enjoyed Deborah's energetic and innovative leadership for a decade. More than ever, we need to celebrate and support progressive Jewish values.

Mazel tov on your years at RRC, and appreciation for all our years together before then. Strength, health as we continue onwards.

Congratulations to Deborah on an amazing decade of leadership! Her vision, courage, and perseverance are extraordinary and inspirational. Mazel tov! With love, the DC Waxmans

Deborah has been a mentor and role model of mine since I first walked into RRC. She embodies the Reconstructionist combination of a brilliant intellect, a deep soul, a passion for inclusion, and a fiery commitment to justice that is what drew me to the movement. We are so lucky to have Deborah at the helm guiding us through periods of growth and development, and through turbulent times. I'm so grateful and honored to be part of the community she leads with grace and grit!

Deborah! The energy, deep caring, dedication and wisdom you’ve brought to sustaining and building the Reconstruction Reconstructionist movement and the College during these challenging times is truly awe-inspiring! May you go from strength to strength!

I remember being in the room at the College when your presidency was first announced. What a joyous day and what a successful decade! Thank you for your leadership, the spirit and energy you bring to the task, and your wisdom. It's an honor to consider you a teacher, colleague, and friend. Mazal tov.

Mazal tov! What a journey you've been on. May you continue to find the strength to innovate and lead from your heart. Love,

So pleased with what we’ve accomplished. So proud to have you as our leader.

Yishaar Kocheich! Kol haKavod! May you go from strength to strength. We are so proud of all you have accomplished and will yet achieve in the future.

Sue Lanser
Dorshei Tzedek, MA

Judy Spatz
Kol Ami, FL

Rabbi Howard Avruhm Addison
Dorshei Derekh, PA

Rabbi Fredi Cooper
Dorshei Derekh, PA

Debra Fried Levin
Adat Shalom, MD

Jeremy & Joyce Becker
Dorshei Emet, Montreal

Susan Beckerman
West End Synagogue, NY

Shelley Sadowsky
Adat Shalom, MD

Kathryn Cook

Wisdom Level

On behalf of the clergy, staff and membership of Columbia Jewish Congregation, we wish you all the best as you continue to provide your visionary and valued leadership for our movement.

Deborah has led the way and grown with us through a decade of change. With gratitude and many thanks....

Thank you for bringing warmth, intelligence, and consistent integrity to our movement and for your leadership throughout what has turned out to be an extraordinary difficult time. I am grateful to be part of our Movement.

The world is a better place because of your leadership. I've loved our work together on creating space for spirituality within movements for social justice over the past decade. You bring grace, humility, spiritual depth, vision and strength to everything you do and the Jewish people are the better for it. Here's to another successful decade. B'vracha v'hatzlacha,

Thank you for your creative leadership. May you go from strength to strength as you continue to strengthen Jewish life.

Mazel Tov on your first decade. Looking forward to the next one!

Mazel Tov. For your life long heart-centered commitment to service. We are celebrating with you and the Reconstructing Judaism community.

Thank you for your creative leadership. May you go from strength to strength as you continue to strengthen Jewish life.

Mazal tov Deborah on your 10 years at the helm of the Reconstructionist Movement! Your forward thinking nature and excellent leadership skills are a blessing to all those with whom you come into contact. Kol ha kavod! In appreciation,

Thank you for being a blessing, an inspiration, and a light unto the world.

Mazal tov!

May you go from strength to strength! Grateful for your leadership!

May Shechinah bless Rabbi Deborah Waxman's open hearted love and light, her deep wisdom and courage that she has been a shefa for our community these ten years. May her insight and inspiration continue to lead us to all our future growing and discerning beyond the horizon into our future. Deborah, we are blessed by your presence and endless giving.

Rabbi Deborah Waxman has secured a legacy for the Reconstructionist Movement as a highly valuable and ongoing voice for the evolution of what it is to be Jewish. Deborah's vision, persistence, and masterful leadership have taken the movement through uncertain times to a place of real recognition from Jewish insitutions throughout the world. We are so blessed to be led by such a strong leader--may we continue to be so for many years to come!

Mazal tov and much gratitude for your years of service.

Lo alecha ham’lacha ligmor. Thank you for ten inspiring years, which have led to so many initiatives.

Yishar kochech and deep gratitude for your commitment to our movement. Here's to another ten years!

Eshet Hayil Matzanu! With huge appreciation to Rabbi Deborah Waxman for her wisdom, steady hand, creativity and warmth in leading our movement. She'tel'chi me'hayil l'hayil.

Rabbi Deborah Waxman’s leadership of Reconstructing Judaism has been inspirational and transformative. She has navigated our beloved institutions through difficult times with grace and wisdom, raising up the project of Reconstructing Judaism, increasing its impact and resonance. I was honored to have been the student representative to the committee that hired Deborah to fill this role 10 years ago. I look forward to a strong Reconstructionist future with Deborah’s leadership. May she be strong, may Reconstructing Judaism be strong, and may they continue to strengthen one another.

Deborah, you are an inspiring leader with seemingly unending energy. Thank you for your vision and your hard work.

Yashar Koach, Deborah on 10 wonderful years! You are an inspiration to so many students at RRC, especially me! L'Shalom, Jodi Rosenfeld

יישר כוחך, Deborah! Your insight, broad vision, and spiritual optimism, not to mention hard work and immense talent, do so much to move our movement and Jewish civilization forward!

I continue to be inspired by your vision and leadership and am honored to celebrate you at this milestone!

Mazal tov, Deborah! Thank you for all you bring to us.

Mazal tov Rabbi Waxman! Your deep wisdom, huge heart, and trailblazing leadership have transformed the entire Jewish world.

Dear Deborah--I am so happy to join in celebrating your ten years of leadership of our movement. I deeply admire your intelligence, resolve, and good-nature, and think you are doing a great job. Thank you for your leadership and your friendship.

Sharing enormous gratitude for your integrity, wisdom, and boldness over the past 10 years (and what a decade it has been!). The Jewish community is immeasurably strengthened by your leadership.

Todah Rabbah for your leadership and dedication. Midrash sometimes compares Torah as a helping us light a path through the unknown. By your consistent visioning, teaching, and articulation of how to create a more vibrant movement you have been able to bring your light and leadership to so many. May you go from strength to strength!

Deborah Waxman is one of the most motivated women leading our religious programs. Congratulations on a great ten years.

In honor of Rabbi Deborah Waxman’s 10-year anniversary - From your friends at Dayenu.

3650 days - your vision and sincerity pervades each one.

As a friend, I witness Deborah infuse her life in community with the values of Reconstructionist Judaism. Congratulations on ten years of Leadership.

Celebrating you at this milestone with joy and gratitude- thank you for your leadership, inspiration and care. For these past 10 years and for all the years before too!

Congratulations and much love on this accomplishment.

Dear Deborah, Congratulations on this milestone! We are honored to have gotten to know you and greatly value your friendship.

Dear Deborah, Kol haKavod! Your leadership is an inspiration, your vision compelling, and your warmth and enthusiasm contagious. May you go from strength to strength! With admiration and a hearty mazal tov,

Dear Deborah, Thank you for your thoughtfulness, diligence, and commitment to our movement. Wishing you much joy at this celebratory moment. With appreciation,

Deborah, Mazal tov on this milestone celebration! We are so grateful for your wise and compassionate leadership and support you as you continue to strengthen and grow our movement. May you go from strength to strength! Todah Rabah,

May you go from strength to strength.

Mazal tov on your leadership of our movement. May Reconstructionism's history of religious humanism/naturalism, Jewish peoplehood, progressive Zionism and universal ethical nationhood inspire our future and may our movement reach its potential for so many Jews and others seeking a rational philosophy and a creative path within Judaism.

Mazel tov on 10 years of being Out. In. Front. And thank you for your support for Dor Hadash (Pittsburgh) when we needed you most.

Rabbi Waxman’s work is a reflection of the outstanding person that she is.

Reconstructing Judaism is blessed to have your visionary and inspirational leadership. Thank you for guiding so many on their Jewish journey in congregational life and at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. You bring so much light into the world with your warmth and devotion to Jewish values. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Mazel Tov!

Thank you for your wonderful leadership and wisdom.

Thank you, Deborah, for leading our movement with compassion, integrity, and vision.

Yasher kochach! May the Jewish community continue to benefit for many years to come from your inspiring and wholehearted leadership.

Mazal tov! May you go from strength to strength!

We are so grateful for what Reconstructionist Judaism has brought to our lives and to our family. Deborah, you have taken the greatest challenge in these times, the challenge of leadership. We know you have done so with the tremendous wisdom, intention and devotion. We are so grateful to you for this and wish you the ability to truly take in all the appreciation and love being sent your way. Mazal Tov!

Congratulations Deborah on your outstanding leadership and dedication! We have watched you grow into an amazing leader. We value your friendship. With love,

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to R' Deborah Waxman on 10 years of leadership. We are blessed to have your wise leadership and good heart in the center of our movement.

What a wonderful gift you have given to the community: your expert, empathic, ethical leadership and vision.

Mazal Tov! With admiration, respect, and gratitude for your visionary leadership and its accomplishments within our movement and the broader Jewish and secular world. You continue to meet the meant in these ever-challenging times.

Dan Glaser
Oseh Shalom, MD

Cyd Weissman
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

Jon Gerstel
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Lisa Krim

Sharon Kleinbaum

Susan Levine
Dor Hadash, CA

Rabbi Barbara Penzner
Temple Hillel B'nai Torah, MA

Susan Abrams
Havurah Shalom, OR

Susan Hicks

Debra Rand

Eleanor Eines
Beit Tikvah, MD

Mark Pinsky
Dorshei Derekh, PA

Rabbi Donna Cephas

Lisa Goldberg
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Amanda Joseph
Mishkan Shalom, PA

Margi Helsel-Arnold
Adat Shalom, MD

Additional Tributes

Congratulations, Rabbi Deborah Waxman!

Dear Deb, You have come a long way since we first met in Israel. I am so very proud of you and all you have accomplished. Yasher Koach!

Deborah, I was so honored to share in deep practice at the SOULIFT retreat. I appreciate your openness, vulnerability and gentle presence as well as your strength, vision and courage as you have led this movement so skillfully in the past 10 years. May you be filled to overflowing.

Deborah, many thanks for your leadership, your friendliness and your warmth. You have made a huge positive impact on our movement! Please keep up the great job in keeping us relevant and progressive.

Deborah, thank you for your deeply relational and visionary leadership. Our movement wouldn't be where it is without you!

Deborah, you are an inspiration to me. For ten years, I have watched you be a powerful, righteous, female rabbi and through your model, I have learned to stand on my own two feet. Thank you for being you and for the beautiful ripples you send out into the world.

Deborah's generosity of spirit, wisdom, and רוחניות have inspired to us all.

Excited to learn with and celebrate with you!

From Strength to Strength for many more years of your amazing leadership!

It's been a pleasure and an enriching learning experience to listen to you speak as a leader of Reconstructing Judaism over these past years. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience.

Kol Hakvod for your decade of leadership. May you go from strength to strength! Warmest wishes,

Mazal tov on 10 years of inspired leadership. May you continue to lead with heart, mind, and soul; May you be surrounded by loved ones, friends, supporters, teachers and students; May you continue to feel the impact of your rabbinate and leadership.

Mazal tov! Your leadership is truly a balm during these troubled times.

Dear Deborah, Mazal Tov on this milestone anniversary! I am most grateful for your excellent leadership of RRC and Reconstructing Judaism. Kol tuv

Mazal tov on this milestone achievement. Keep going!

Mazal tov, Deborah! Thank you for your important work and your dedication to building our movement. May you go from strength to strength! Looking forward to seeing you at RRC's graduation ceremony. Bivrakhah,

This has been a momentous decade for the College and the Movement, and you've steered our institutions with skill, smarts, and vision. Mazal tov on your 10th anniversary!

Mazel Tov on 10 years! May you continue to bring the movement from strength to strength.

Mazel Tov on reaching this historic milestone!

Mazel tov on this great accomplishment! Thank you for your incredible leadership, Deborah.

Mazel tov, Deborah! May you go from strength to strength, and may the many ways that you bless the world return to you infinity-fold!!

There is a solidity in the Recon movement now. I appreciate it! Keep up the excellent work!

Mazel tov, Deborah! We appreciate and applaud you as you reach this milestone. May you continue from strength to strength, guided by the embrace of the Shechina, and guiding us wisely along our future path. Much love!

Thank you, Rabbi Waxman, for a decade of inspirational leadership and your continued impact and influence on the greater Jewish community. Proud to be part of a movement that uplifts strong female leadership!

Mazel Tov! Blessings for many more years of joyful leadership.

Thank you for leading the way with vision, clarity and compassion.

Rabbi Waxman is an inspiration - thank you for your dedication, wisdom, leadership, and devoted service.

So excited to participate in this hugely momentus occasion! So proud to witness Rabbi Deborah Waxman's extraordinary leadership! She models for us so we can all rise together as leaders!

So proud and honored to be a partner in the work with you. May we all go from strength to strength!

Congratulations to Rabbi Waxman for being an inspiration and leader of women in Reconstucting Judaism.

Thank you for your inspirational leadership. You make me proud to be a member of Reconstructing Judaism.

It gives me such joy to a write a tribute message to you, Deborah. I have known you since the year before you accepted this important position. You have served the College, its students and the RA with outstanding care and dedication to all. May you continue for many more years.

Mazel tov and thank you for being such an incredible force for good. Hope we get a chance to sing and play for many years to come

Rabbi Deborah Waxman was an important teacher to me at RRC. She helped me with patience and care as I learned to be a service leader (something that did not come easily). Her strong intellect, love of Judaism and caring heart make her an important rabbi to many with whom she works. I am now honored to work in partnership with her as I step into the role of president of the RRA.

Mazal Tov, Deborah!

Sending you congratulations with much affection, admiration and respect,

Mazel tov on this historic occasion. Grateful for your leadership.

Mazal tov Deborah on this achievement! Our movement would not be where it is without you!

With gratitude for your powerful feminist voice and strong moral compass—we look forward to the next decade of your leadership!

You are a wondrous teacher, a creative and dedicated leader, and a warm connection to my education at RRC. Thank you Rabbi Deborah!

Mazel tov and thank you for being such an incredible force for good. Hope we get a chance to sing and play for many years to come

Sending you congratulations with much affection , admiration and respect,

Amazing leadership, love and wisdom- we are truly blessed!

Blessings on this decade of bringing your gifts to the world. Truly, may you go from strength to strength.

A beautiful steady beacon of hope and love in our challenging world.

Congratulations to Rabbi Waxman for being an inspiration and leader of women in Reconstucting Judaism.

Congratulations for your work and for helping to shatter the glass ceiling. Great leadership in hard times.

Deborah Waxman was my Bat Mitzvah tutor many years ago, and I remember her as a woman of singular character. Throughout the years we've lost touch, but her bravery in living out loud at a time when that was stigmatized inspired me my whole life long. She is a powerhouse of Jewish learning and an authentic, present human being. I'm excited to honor her work.

Deborah, This is truly a moment of celebration! Your leadership in inspiring and I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to work with you now. To many years of innovation & learning.

G-d bless your continued good work!

Great appreciation for your openness, leadership, and commitment to bringing into the Reconstrucitonist family possibilities unimagined.

I am so grateful for the myriad ways you bring your gifts to insure that the values of our movement remain true and are expressed in ways that enrich our evolving understanding of being Jewish people in our ever changing world. Mazel Tov!

Kol ha-kavod! Thank you for the important work you are doing for RJ, RRC, and the wider Jewish world

May you continue to inspire us Deborah, with your leadership for many years to come.

Mazal Tov Deborah. It has been great knowing and working with you over the years. Thanks for your work and leadership.

Mazal tov on ten years of steady leadership during turbulent times and for continuing to lay a strong foundation for today and for the next generation of Jewish leaders!!!

Mazal Tov on this impressive milestone! You have inspired us with your leadership and wisdom. Your messages of inclusiveness and resilience have had an enormous positive impact on our congregation during this difficult times.

Mazel Tov on your 10 year anniversary. It is always a pleasure to work with you.


Mazel Tov! Deep gratitude for your visionary leadership, perseverance, and compassion. ק

Rabbi Deborah, Todah Rabah for all of the wonderful work you are doing for Reconstructing Judaism!

Rabbi, Doctor, Madame President, visionary, human. You're the total package. Todah rabah for sharing your gifts with Reconstructing Judaism.With love.

Thank you

Thank you for all you have done, Deborah! As a feminist, and partner of a Reconstructionist Rabbi, I am very grateful to have had your presence representing Reconstructing Judaism.

Thanks for your leadership in the Reconstructionist movement and in the wider Jewish and world communities.

With warmth and brilliance, you have shown us the way! Thanks for a decade of dedicated leadership!

Mazal Tov, Deborah!

Thank you for your fierce dedication and hard work. May the inspiration you give so many others be returned to you a thousandfold!

You are an inspiration to me as a rabbi and Jewish woman! Mazel tov on 10 years & here's to 10 more!

Congratulations on your decade of leadership. Reconstructing Judaism is an awesome responsibility, and I think you’ve done so very well. Here’s to many more years. Warmest regards,

Marking 10 years of Rabbi Waxman's leadership with gratitude and hope for the future. Mazel tov.

Sending Deborah the warmest wishes, and deepest gratitude, from congregation Klal Yisrael in Delft, Netherlands. And my very own, personal hug, the stronger, the better.

Naomi Hanser

Jinny Henenberg
Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, NY

Eleni Litt
Dorshei Derekh, PA

Dianne Chorny
Congregation Beth Evergreen CO

Gina Elman
University Synagogue, CA

Marisa Jackson
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Peggy Curchack

Sandra Sussman

Wendy Reier Waterston
Beth Israel, PA

Antoinette Miller
Kehilat HaNahar, PA

Arthur Shostak

Aviva K Rosenbloom

Denise Lettau

Eleanor "Nonie" Vonnegut-Gabovitch
Beth El Zedeck, IN

Elizabeth Caplun

Lynn Wilson

Myss Lucianna J. Wolfstone

Randi Stein
Jewish Comm of Amherst, MA

Richard Cohen
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Stuart Aizenberg
Shir Hadash, IL

Adam Strater

Teya Sepinuck

Wendy Reier Waterston
Beth Israel, PA

Ahavah Oblak
Temple Beth Israel, OR

LilyFish Gomberg
Dorshei Tzedek, MA

Maura Lee
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

Jill Hamilton
Shir Shalom, NY

Bobbi Baker
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Rabbi Melissa Heller

Rabbi Micah Weiss
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

William Plevan

Rosalie Jacobs
Leyv Ha-Ir, PA

Peggy Curchack

Roberta Kaplan
Havurah Shalom, OR

Amy Rothenberg
Jewish Community of Amherst, MA

Rabbi Michal Woll
Shir Hadash, WI

Carol Feder

Miriam Edelson

Rachel Williams
Kol HaLev, OH

Vivian Schirn
Or Hadash, PA

Sylvia Sabel
Or Shalom Jewish Community, CA

Maureen Barrett

Robin King Cooper
Mayim Rabim, MN

Mindi Wapner

Sam Wachs
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

Mark Rothman
B'nai Havurah, CO

Jane Turk
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

Rabbi Sandra Lawson
Reconstructing Judaism, PA

Elsie Stern
Kol Tzedek, PA

Vivien Kane
Or Hadash, PA

Doni Zasloff
B'nai Keshet, NJ

Rabbi Isabel de Koninck

Diane Troderman

Joan Rosen
Bet Am Shalom, NY

Christina Ager
Dorshei Derekh, PA

Jeanie Hoffman
Mayim Rabin, MN

Isabel Dunst

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The Reconstructionist Network