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Community Guidelines for Commenting

Community Guidelines

  • Be respectful of other commenters. Meeting differences of opinion with civil discussion encourages multiple perspectives and a positive commenting environment.  Remember to criticize ideas, not people. Avoid name-calling and ad hominem attacks. Instead, provide reasoned counter-arguments that improve the quality of the conversation.
    • “Do not be scornful of any person.” Pirkei Avot 4:3
  • Assume the best in others. Read and consider their words in the most favorable possible light before responding. Take deep breaths, and come back later if necessary!
    • “Judge everyone favorably.” Pirkei Avot 1:6    
  • Use your real name. To foster respectful and productive dialogue, all commenters should use their full names. Please also share citations to information obtained from elsewhere.
    • “Whoever repeats a thing in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world.” Pirkei Avot 6:6
  • We reserve the right to remove comments. In order to curb behavior destructive of our conversation, our community moderators reserve the right to remove comments at any time, including but not limited to material that we find to be abusive, spam, off-topic, or harassing. However, moderators do not preview new posts in any way; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community. Your words are your responsibility.
  • Contact our moderators if you have questions or concerns. We can be reached at: feedback@ReconstructingJudaism.org

(This material draws on the Disqus Community Guidelines; the Discourse Community Guidelines, and the Mishkan Shalom Guidelines for Discussion.)

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