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Reconstructionist Judaism originated as a cutting edge call to change and innovation in the Jewish community. Our fundamental commitment to adaptation remains central to our mission. In August 2015, we opened a dialogue on that legacy of engaging with, and sometimes pushing, established boundaries. What opportunities and challenges arise from being on the cutting edge? How has that approach shaped the Reconstructionist and broader Jewish communities, as the 21st century unfolds before us?

Our conversation began with three articles from esteemed Reconstructionist rabbis with diverse experiences in the Jewish community…

  • Rabbi Deborah Waxman reviewed the movement’s tradition of challenge to the Jewish status quo and weighs how best to carry this tradition forward.
  • Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben described the vital role of the Reconstructionist spirit of innovation in the growth and vitality of his thousand-household congregational community.
  • Rabbi Josh Bolton reflected on the gifts Reconstructionism offers the Jewish world while asking challenging questions about the future of denominationalism.

Following weeks explored innovation’s connection to:

 Inclusion and Welcoming

Pursuing Justice

Building the Jewish future

Our Dialogue podcast is now live on iTunes and other podcast apps – find out how to listen and subscribe!

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The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network