We seek to build and maintain covenantal community across difference based on shared values and principles, including the centrality of relationships, and mutually agreed-upon behavior (also known as norms). Variations of the norms presented below have been created for and used by other Reconstructionist convenings, including in-person (conventions, civil rights pilgrimage) and online (Ritualwell classes, Evolve webinars). In order to to receive a link to the convening, you already agreed to abide by the following norms:
Kavod: Respect and Inclusivity
We welcome people of all identities and perspectives, with a commitment to treating every person with the knowledge that they are created betzelem Elohim — in the image of the Divine.
Anavah: Humility and Curiosity
We strive to take up the right amount of space — not too much or too little. We listen deeply and with curiosity.
Emet: Honesty and Authenticity
We bravely speak our own truths using “I” statements.
Rakhamim: Care and Compassion
We extend care to each other. We seek to avoid language or symbolism that may be hurtful or provocative to others.
Makhloket Leshem Shamayim: Holy Disagreement
We recognize the value of diverse opinions and respectful discussion, even when we may find it uncomfortable. We commit to sitting with our discomfort rather than reacting quickly.
Shmirat Halashon: Confidentiality
We hold in confidence what is shared by fellow participants.
Teshuvah and Tikkun: Repentance and Repair
When mistakes are made or harm is caused, we are willing to engage in the relational work to reflect and repair, where possible.
Lo Alenu Hamelakha Ligmor: The Work Continues
Wrestling with complexity is ongoing work. We expect and accept a lack of closure in our discussions.