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Resources on Synagogue Safety, Security, and Equity/Jewish Values

  • April 29, 2019

In the months since the October 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue attack, we have been sharing resources with Reconstructionist communities that address questions of how to make our synagogues safer while also upholding Jewish values of racial justice, interfaith community building, and equity. This page gathers together what we’ve shared so far with our educators, executive directors and presidents.

As part of these efforts, Reconstructing Judaism has co-sponsored a variety of webinars organized by a range of different Jewish communal organizations, reflecting different perspectives on some of the practical and ethical issues involved in developing or improving synagogue safety plans. While we’re sharing slides and handouts here, due to the sensitive nature of these discussions, we’re not linking to the webinar recordings directly from this page. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find instructions for accessing all of the webinar recordings mentioned below.

To obtain links to any of the webinar recordings mentioned here, please contact Rabbi Maurice Harris (MHarris@ReconstructingJudaism.org).

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