We all need more light in our lives. So this year, as you kindle your hanukkiah, hold the intention to bring light to your day and to our world.
Night 1
Blessing of Candle Lighting with Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Ph.D.
As we enter Hanukkah, Rabbi Deborah Waxman reminds us of the power of reciting blessings —the ones we’ve inherited and the ones we create anew.
Night 2
The Miracle of Now with Marques Hollie
What is miraculous for us in this moment? Marques Hollie, a Reconstructionist Rabbinical College student, shares that even in times of extended darkness, each day can bring light, if we just look for the miracles of right now.
Night 3
A Reconstructionist Maoz Tzur with Rabbi Alan LaPayover
“Maoz Tzur” (“Rock of Ages”), is a Hanukkah classic. Rabbi Alan LaPayover demonstrates how a Reconstructionist take on this medieval poem reframes our understanding of the “Festival of Lights.”
Night 4
Exploring Our Creative Sparks with Gabrielle Kaplan‑Mayer
The unique light of the Hanukkah candles has always inspired Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer. During this challenging time, she is using the creative spark to bring new light to each day.
Night 5
Hanukkah is a Time of Miracles and Wonder with Rabbi Isaac Saposnik
Hanukkah isn’t a time of hiding – it’s a time to let our light shine! Rabbi Isaac Saposnik, director of Camp Havaya, encourages us to bring our own inner light to the world.
Night 6
“The Hidden Light” by Cyd Weissman
With the candles of Hanukkah flickering in front of us, Cyd Weissman reminds us that “a great miracle happened there.”
Night 7
“Banish Darkness, Bring on the Light” by Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein
During this difficult time, we are all looking for light and joy at the holidays. Rabbi Alex Lazarus-Klein shares his emotional anguish through this poem, but also hopes that the lights will brighten the darkness.
Night 8
“The Offering of Olives” by Ellen Blum Barish
What do olives offer us? Ellen Blum Barish reminds us that the oil from the olives once helped us rededicate the temple, and so too do they bring light into our dark world.