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Weekly Learning: Torah and Beyond

Every week, we post learning material on the week's Torah portion. We also feature new video and audio resources and more. 

Two hands pointing at Torah
Two hands pointing at Torah
Narrow Bridge cropped
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Reconstructionist Learning

Reconstructionist Learning provides opportunities for personal exploration, community engagement and spiritual development. Enjoy access to experts who are passionately living what they teach, and pick the learning that’s right for you.


Reconstructionism sees Judaism as the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people in its ongoing relationship with God. Seeing innovation and adaptation as deeply traditional, we cultivate and support Jewish living, learning, and leadership for a changing world.

Hands of worshipper holding Reconstructionist prayerbook
Hands of worshipper holding Reconstructionist prayerbook
Person studying from page of Hebrew text
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Center for Jewish Ethics

Jewish tradition is imbued with values that bear on every important decision we face. The Reconstructionist movement has developed an approach to Jewish values-based decision-making for those Jews who do not see themselves as bound by halakha (traditional Jewish law), but want to live lives of integrity and spiritual meaning. The Center for Jewish Ethics draws on Jewish texts, experience, and tradition to help people and communities address the diverse ethical challenges of contemporary life.

Hashivenu: A Podcast on Resilience

A podcast exploring resilience in Jewish teaching and Jewish living.

Seedling sprouting through crack in the stone
Seedling sprouting through crack in the stone
Fringes of tallit (not corners)
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In the best of all possible worlds, spirituality and religion are partners. The soul’s most profound experiences with a presence greater than the self are given form and articulation through liturgy, ritual and moral law. Religious forms, in turn, remain constantly open to the renewal of sacred moments. If spirituality at its best lifts us up, religion at its best keeps us rooted. —Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso


Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations  is an online platform with conversation-sparking essays and podcasts about the urgent issues of our day from thought-provoking rabbis, leaders and creators. In an era when it has become ever more difficult to remain open to viewpoints that differ from our own, Evolve cultivates covenantal conversations even when we disagree. 

Colorful abstract painting
Colorful abstract painting


Dialogues are an occasional feature bringing together many voices to address a common theme from a Reconstructionist perspective.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

The Reconstructionist Network