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Eco-Judaism (Is There Any Other Kind?!):  How Torah Pushes the Sustainability Envelope

  • November 21, 2016

“Love of the Creator, and love of that which G!d has created, are finally one and the same,” wrote Martin Buber.  Defending this divine creation in an era of climate change is a Jewish (and social, political, and moral) imperative.  A rich Jewish life is by nature an environmental one, though we need to pick up the pace, draw more explicit connections, and make our community a beacon of sustainability.

In this hour we will explore the extent to which each great aspect of Jewish thought and practice — creation, revelation, and redemption; halacha (law) and aggadah (lore); the personal and the communal — already does, and can further help us to, prioritize the protection of our holy home.  

This session is brought to you courtesy of the Jewish Reconstructionist Communities and Global Day of Jewish Learning (A Project of the Aleph Society)

Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb has served Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation – a thriving serious progressive community of some 480 households in Bethesda, Maryland — for nearly two decades, since well before his 1997 ordination from Philadelphia’s Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of Brandeis University (1991) and a Wexner Graduate Fellow with a Doctorate of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary (2009), he is a Past President of the Washington Board of Rabbis. Fred currently serves as Chair of the national Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, and as Immediate Past Chair of Maryland and Greater Washington Interfaith Power & Light. Fred has written adult education curricula about Israel and progressive Zionism; writes and teaches widely on eco-Judaism; and contributes regularly to Moment Magazine among other publications. He lives in Washington DC with his wife Minna Scherlinder Morse and their glorious children.



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