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New Faces of Peoplehood: Two Educational Reflections from the conference “Wrestling with Jewish Peoplehood”

  • November 30, 2016

On April 10 and 11 in Philadelphia Jewish scholars, leaders, educators, and Rabbis gathered together for a two day conference on Jewish peoplehood co-sponsored by the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the Department of Religion of Temple University, and the National Museum of American Jewish History.

Two educators share reflections from the conference that they felt might be of particular interest to Jewish educators: early childhood educator Dr. Deborah Schein; and Becca Richman, an RRC student and a product of Reconstructionist congregation Adat Shalom and Camp JRF.

Deb Schein’s reflections are grounded in her work on the spiritual development of young children. For a variety of reasons, early childhood educators will not be in the direct line of transmission to receive this package of resources. We ask our readers to pass it on to early childhood educators whom you think might appreciate it.

Becca Richman has developed an exercise in Jewish identity that reflects the complexity of contemporary Jewish identity. Its first audience is the staff members of camp JRF but we encourage educators to adapt it to in-service activities for religious school faculty as they prepare for the upcoming school year.

This resource is part of a package of educational resources on Jewish peoplehood kindly provided by the Kaplan Center for Jewish Peoplehood

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