The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. harnessed his profound religious commitments and belief in the promise of American democracy to inspire millions. While he is remembered as a national hero today, his message was more complicated and radical than is often remembered: his opposition to racism, poverty and war deeply intertwined. Reckoning with racism’s legacy and charting a more equitable future, Jewish communities can engage with and celebrate King’s life, thought and actions in their full complexity. We’ve created this page to help.
Reparations in Action: How to Move from Resolving to Repairing
Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025
1 – 3 p.m. EST | Zoom
Join the Tikkun Olam Commission for a live Zoom event presenting four different approaches to reparations.
Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations
Rabbi Sandra Lawson and Rabbi Alex Weissman on Dismantling Racism
“Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out.” The idea is deceptively simple and strongly rooted in Jewish tradition. To change society, individuals must first address their own attitudes, biases and inner lives. Easy to say, much harder to carry out. With funding from the Wabash Center, Rabbi Sandra Lawson and Rabbi Alex Weissman decided to try this approach at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, which is committed to anti-racism.