Virtual Shabbat Box Archives: March 2022
March 25-26
Read: ‘Let No Soul Be Forgotten: Vigil Prayer Marking Two Years of COVID’
We have lived with this worldwide pandemic for two years. Rabbi Annie Lewis marks this milestone with a prayer. Sourced from RitualwellRead: ‘Babi Yar ‘22’
Some of the complexities of our history and our world today converge in the intensity of this memorial poem by Sara Stock Mayo. Sourced from RitualwellWatch/Listen: ‘Healing Niggun for Ukraine’
This Hebrew healing prayer, performed by Gabrielle Pescador, is from Numbers 12:13 and is set to the melody of a traditional Ukrainian folk lullaby, “The Dream Passes by the Window.” The Hebrew lyrics mean “God please heal her.” The harp music is an adaptation of an arrangement by Carol Kappus. Sourced from RitualwellListen: ‘Moments of Wholeness’
When our world falls apart, what sustains us? Rabbi Shira Stutman spoke in April 2020 at a time of profound global dislocation that affected our most personal connections. We discussed the challenges we faced, the adaptations we were beginning to make and the unexpected insights we glimpsed into what is truly essential. Sourced from Hashivenu: Jewish Teachings on ResilienceRead: ‘Reunderstanding Jewish Historical Trauma: Moving From the River to the Watershed’
In her Evolve essay, Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg argues that Jewish history is not an unbroken sequence of suffering, culminating in the Holocaust. Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish ConversationsMarch 18-19
Listen: ‘Everything Possible’
Fred Small’s contemporary classic song is perfect for blessing the children, after Shabbat dinner, or before bedtime. Sourced from RitualwellRead: ‘Purim: The Danger of a Single Story’
In this d’var Torah, Rabbi Elyse Wechterman teaches that Megillat Esther is an example of what can be missed when you look too quickly or too superficially at a story, and that we have an obligation to understand that the others with whom we interact have just as complicated, multiple narrative stories as we do. Sourced from ReconstructingJudaism.orgRead: ‘Esther, the Mishkan and the Divine Miss M’
Why do we read about the building of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the month of Adar? What does the Tabernacle have to do with Purim? Why is Hadassah called Esther? And why is Bette Midler referred to as “The Divine Miss M”? Rabbi Lina Zerbarini tells all. Sourced from RitualwellWatch/Listen: ‘Dror Yikra’
Hadar Cohen teaches and sings the Sephardic melody for Dror Yikra, one of the standard Shabbat z’mirot (table songs). Sourced from RitualwellRead: ‘Twin Milestone Mark a Century of Reconstructionist Innovation’
Now, in 2022, the twin centennial anniversaries of the founding of the first Reconstructionist synagogue, followed by the first bat mitzvah, are being celebrated by SAJ, the Reconstructionist movement and the wider Jewish world. Sourced from ReconstructingJudaism.orgMarch 11-12
Read: ‘Prayer for Ukraine’
The people of Ukraine are in our hearts as we share Joanne Fink’s prayer. Sourced from Ritualwell
Read: ‘Blessing for My Daughter at Her Bat Mitzvah’
The anonymous author writes, “I wrote this blessing for my oldest daughter at her bat mitzvah. I made her tallit, and we tied the tzitzit together. When I presented it to her to wear on the bimah, I also gave her this blessing.” Sourced from Ritualwell. Learn more about the 100 years of bat mitzvah history!
Listen: ‘U’Vacharta Bachayim’
Rena Branson sings with Rivka Tamar her song based on Deuteronomy 30:19. Sourced from
Read: ‘Amalek: Out There or In Here?’
On this Shabbat Zakhor, our society and world grapple with two kinds of enemies: We are confronted both by violent extremism driven by hatred and by the devastating impact of the pandemic on vulnerable communities. In this Torah study, Rabbi Michael Fessler helps us to see the challenges before us, remember the values embodied in these teachings, and be moved to action. Sourced from
Read: ‘The Right Side of History’
In his article, Richard Zimler teaches us that “the right side of history is always the side that has a memory.” Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations