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Virtual Shavuot Box

Virtual Shavuot Box

Your Virtual Shavuot Box holds many ways to celebrate this holiday. Choose what nurtures you. Eat, listen, watch or read. Chag sameach! 

June 11-12

Moses might never have ascended Mount Sinai if he hadn’t received advice from his non-Jewish father-inlaw, Yitro. We, too — especially during difficult times can learn from those whose beliefs differ from our own.

Illustration of the tablets of the Ten Commandments on the top of a mountain

These new and previously published essays offer a range of perspectives on how to engage with Torah, Revelation, Shavuot and, ultimately, Judaism itself.

A Torah scroll surrounded by wheat and a yarmulke with a Jewish star pattern

Sure, you’ve savored cheesecake during your Shavuot celebration, but have you tried Persian rice pudding, courtesy of Adva Chattler’s grandmother? Here’s your chance.

A cup of rice pudding with toppings including different types of nuts

In this inspiring blessing, Rabbi Lily Solochek asks that “the One who delivered our ancestors from oppression to freedom, redeem us and all marginalized peoples.”

A liquid rainbow pattern

June 7-8

Want to continue learning Torah after your community’s tikkun or without leaving home? We’ve specially curated hours of digital resources to learn on your own or with a group.

A sliced cheesecake on a plate next to a smaller plate with cake slices and cups of coffee

How do Reconstructionists understand the revelation of Torah at Mount Sinai in light of modern biblical criticism? Rabbi Jacob Staub explains it in this essay adapted from A Guide to Jewish Practice.

Close-up of open Torah scroll

For a Shavuot treat, follow along this step-by-step guide on baking a cake as rich in symbolism as it is in flavor, one shaped like Torah scrolls.

Shavuot cake decorated to look like a Torah scroll

This poem captures the joy of receiving the Torah, both physically and spiritually.

A person opening a Torah scroll

The Reconstructionist Network

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The Reconstructionist Network