After a week of tension and stress, we begin Shabbat with Devon Spier’s poem that beckons us in just as we are. Sourced from Ritualwell
In the aftermath of the events at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, Rabbi Shoshanah Tornberg’s prayer draws on the imagery of Abraham and Sarah’s tent, which was always open to receive the stranger. Sourced from Ritualwell
Rabbi Shai Held teaches that the Torah’s repeated reminder that we were once strangers in the land of Egypt is an “urgent demand for empathy” that goes beyond simply remembering. Sourced from
Following on the theme of hospitality, Batya Diamond and Rabbi Janet Madden share their ceremony that embodies and celebrates this mitzvah. Sourced from Ritualwell
In this Evolve podcast, Rabbi Elliot Kukla talks about the profound and unexpected ways in which trauma can affect a person’s health and overall spiritual well-being. Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations
Hila Ratzabi’s poem is inspired by and dedicated to Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker and the people of Colleyville, Texas. Sourced from Ritualwell
What does it mean to “hear” the commanding “voice” of God? Rabbi Howard Cohen explores this question in relation to the voice of the haftarah taken from Isaiah 6. Sourced from
Whether you’re moving in with new roommates or setting up a new home with a partner, how might Judaism play into that? This video will help you think through the possibilities along with your friends or partner. From mezuzahs to interfaith sharing, this is a fun and short introduction to the world of dedicating your new home. Sourced from Ritualwell
According to Nancy Weissman, far too many Jews were unprepared to cope with the fiscal challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. We should take notice and better arrange our finances to meet future challenges. Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations
What does it mean to be an ally? How can one begin to do that work? Rabbis Deborah Waxman and Sandra Lawson discuss these questions using examples from their own lives, delving into the difficulty of saying and doing the right thing at the right time. Sourced from Hashivenu: Jewish Teachings on Resilience
This poem by Marc Jacobs reflects the path of the Jewish prayer service, evoking messages of peace and love. Sourced from Ritualwell
Naomi Shemer sings, “Know that each and every shepherd has his own tune. Know that each and every grass has its own song. And from the song of the grasses, the tune of the shepherd is made.” Sourced from Ritualwell
Rabbi David Mevorach Seidenberg addresses global climate disruption through the lens of Torah. Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations
“From the narrow places, embracing the expanse, in these waters we are renewed,” sing Heather Paul and Batya Diamond. Sourced from Ritualwell
Hold your own Tu B’Sh’vat seder using Ellen Bernstein’s text or watch a documentary of the seder taking place at Hampshire College. Sourced from Ritualwell
On this special occasion, Rabbi Deborah Waxman draws from the works of poet Marcia Falk to offer a blessing on 20 years of providing rich resources to the Jewish community. Sourced from Ritualwell
This is a time of year that people talk a lot about their bodies. Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg reminds us of the many wonders they possess and reveal. Sourced from Ritualwell
Poet Tiferet Welch reflects on this week’s parashah alongside our current political situation. Sourced from Ritualwell
Rabbi Yael Ridberg compares the rituals surrounding American democracy and the Exodus story and explains the importance they share as sacred myths and master stories. Sourced from
In this episode celebrating the career of Evolve’s executive producer, Rabbi Jacob Staub, Rabbi Deborah Waxman traces how he went from being a secular college student intent on pursuing a literary life to one of the most influential Reconstructionist thinkers, writers, and teachers of the past 50 years. Sourced from Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations
Winter is here, and Rabbi David G. Winship shares his blessing for outer and inner warmth. Sourced from Ritualwell
As we greet a new year, Rabbi Janet Madden reflects upon the continued “‘new normal’ that we do not recognize.” Sourced from Ritualwell
Rabbi Shawn Zevit, with Rabbis Margot Stein and Rayzel Raphael, welcome in the angels of Shabbat with an arrangement of Rabbi Steve Seger’s setting of the classic song. Sourced from
According to Maia Conrad, every change in time, including the lengthening of daylight and a new year, is an opportunity to start over. Sourced from Ritualwell
In this d’var Torah, Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben teaches that “when God tells Moses that he was known by a different name to the patriarchs, it is because every moment in history, and every challenge we face personally demands that we draw upon a different quality of holiness to emulate in our lives.” Sourced from
These resources were drawn from:
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